Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Was it fun?

So this past weekend we had the third annual Scavenger hunt. Well in the end my team was victorious y walked away with our heads held high or did we? I won't lie at the moment I was stoked that my team won, but the next day I felt empty inside. I've also lost the desire to compete next year.
The previous year, my team placed 2nd in the hunt but I was happy when it was all said y done. That next day, I was cheerful as I was the day before. My only explanation is, the first year I participated, I actually went with someone that I cared about y wanted to go with. This year the two girls I wanted to go with couldn't go. The first one was moving to Logan that day y the second said yes at first, but later bailed out cause she "had to study" for the LSAT.
I ended up going with someone that I didn't know y so did my team ate. I'm not saying that the girls were bad girls, they were actually a lot of fun to hang out with, but it was just different. I now what it feels like to go on a date y come away with an empty feeling, as in why did I just do that. I don't think it was my date, but I just wasn't into it as I thought I was.

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