Monday, May 19, 2008


I spent a day in Seattle with my father y his partner Denny. Whenever I am with them we usually go to the movies and we went to see Prince Caspian. It is an amazing movie, but it helped me realize that it is time for me to grow up and mature.
I'm the kind of person that it more comfortable playing with litte kids y trying to befriend the teenagers to given them a good role model, for a change. I've let my hair grow y now with my tan I remind people of a surf bum from California.
I've felt like it is time for me to grow up y take things more seriously than I have before. I mean I am immature y jump to a lot of rational conclussions, but this is not one of them. I've spent a lot of time looking at what has happened to me over the past year. I haven't made any new friends due to the fact that I'm not able to feel comfortable around them. I'm still trying to hold on to apart of my past because I'm affraid to walk off into the darkness not knowing where to go.
Another thing that has helped me realize this is spending time with my three girls (Addie, Kate y Zoe). They are the cutest little girls that you could ever know. I've seen what it takes to be a parent and I've come to the realization that I'm not ready for that, I've a long way to go to ever consider getting married.
The first thing that will change is the appearance. I'm no longer going to have long hair, for it is a sign of laziness and a slob. I want people to look at me as they did when I was a missionary. I was clean cut and the first impression was always good. The one person that I need to be more like is my little brother.
By changing my outward appearnce I'll be able to change, slowly but do able, my personality to become a more reponsible young man y someone that people can turn to, to get things done.

1 comment:

Pancake: said...

Crap, if you change I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb.