Friday, December 26, 2008

Secret Santa

If any of you know my family situation, then you know that my mother hasn't had a job for the past 18 months, give or take. I am glad this happened now, that I am older y not when I was younger. I can see that my mom wants to be the best mother that she can be, I just cannot imagine someone having to tell their kids that they would be forgoing Christmas, only because they didn't have the funds for it. That leads me into the real reason for this post. My family was again blessed by a Secret Santa, like we were last year.
I can honestly say the past two Christmases I've spent here at home, I've been deeply touched by the spirit of Christ. Opening the presents I was overwhelmed with gratitude. To have people that care so much, to go out of their way, to bring a little joy into the lives of others, it's amazing. I honestly wish I was as thoughtful y caring as this family that cared for my family today is. I can also say, I have a good idea who it was y I don't know how to repay them. I learned a lot this Christmas, I learned that Santa is real y that he does look out for those who are good.

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