Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yet again, the cruse strikes

So my friends y I were planning a big group date for Saturday, well not big but a lot of fun. We get together y go to Maceys. While at Macey's we draw either Main course, side dish, etc y then go buy the items needed to make food for everyone.
Well I had a girl in mind that I was going to ask out, I mean we've talked y have gone out before y like I mentioned we've talked a lot. Well we talked a lot about her ex y how she was going to get over him y yeah, I feel back into my old habits of being the good friend y nothing more coming into play.
She asked me a good question,
"Why can we (her y her ex) not just date for fun y worry about it going anywhere?"
I almost laughed, cause it brought back the the exact same thing that Diane y I talked about, back in the day when we were breaking up. She wanted to keep dating but date other people at the same time, but decided that it wasn't fair to do that. I was going to tell her that, but it was like trying to talk to a die hard cathlolic in Argentina about the LDS church, their mind is already made up y it doesn't matter what you tell them. I just told her that the only way she would know if she should really be back together with her ex, is to pray about it y be willing to accept the answer that the Lord has for you y do it.
I had to tell her to listen to the spirit because her roomate was preaching to other guys, earlier that night in the apartment, that if you and your insignificant other are living righteously y you pray to see if you should marry the person, the Lord will never say, no you aren't supposed to marry him. He might say it's not the time or most likely will say yes. That is a post for another day, because I don't believe that what so ever.
I have the friend curse y the worst part about it, I wouldn't have it any other way. It may drive me insane, but people need someone to listen to them no matter what y if they ever need me to listen, I'm here for you!

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