Sunday, December 7, 2008

Two words will destroy you

So to really understand the back story to this post you, most likely, will need to understand this story y this story. Well after I left my friends apartment that night, I sat there in the car thinking, why didn't I try as hard as he ex did to get back together with her y it worked. I just sat there y the words, "if only" swept across my mind, then so did a quote I had heard on Tuesday in institute. The quote is from this talk by President Monson.
"There is one phrase which should be erased from your thinking and from the words you speak aloud. It is the phrase, 'If only.' It is counterproductive and is not conducive to the spirit of healing and of peace. Rather, recall the words of Proverbs: 'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
I really want to thank The Lord for knowing what exactly I would need to hear in that moment, if I hadn't gone to institute I never would have heard the quote y I would still be, mentally, beating myself up for what I lost over a year ago.
To all those that are in need of comfort, first stop destroying yourself with the words "What if" y take Elder Wirthlin's Mother's advice from his last talk in General Conference, "Come what may y Love it."
The Lord loves us y will never forsake us in our time of need. He will always be close at hand, ready to jump in, if ever needed but we are the ones that turn our backs on him. If we try our hardest to look at the small things, y give thanks for them, He does for us daily, how better off would we be?

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