Sunday, September 7, 2008

Don't you love flowers

So a little over a week ago, I decided to go y meet my friends roommate. I've heard a lot about her y was intrigued to get to know her a little better. So what I did was have a bouquet of flowers arraigned from my mothers garden y I cleaned out the rest of the SS treats to take over there (you can never visit someone for the first time empty handed). Well low y behold I ended up leaving the flowers over at the wrong apt. The funny thing was that I didn't even give the wrong apt my name. I assumed that it was my friends apt until she mentioned that I hadn't left anything.
Thursday I make it back over to that apt to retrieve the vase. The same girl answered the door y I explained, in detail none the less, how I had managed to end up at the wrong house y I needed the vase back, but the flowers were to remain as a welcome back to BYU present. No info was exchanged as she gracefully returned the vase with the whole "Yeah just get out of here", look plastered on her face.
As I meandered home, it dawned on me that in my back yard there were dozens of fresh flowers that needed homes y that this year I didn't have a girlfriend to take them to. So I hatched a plan to adopt my mistake apt as my new flower apt.
Saturday after the poorly played BYU game, Zac y I decided to take our flowers around y bring the students of Provo the cheer that they needed. We of course started again with my friends apt, the right one. We knocked on the door y handed the girl a nice bouquet of flowers without leaving our names, stating welcome to BYU y disappeared into the sunset, it was dusk at the moment. We had a TON of flowers left over, so for the next hour we walked the streets of BYU handing out flowers to the ladies that we passed. Most of them were surprised but graciously accepted our gifts.
It was one of the most amazing nights of my life. I truly enjoyed the randomness of it all. I figure that every week, I shall take up the task of handing flowers out to anybody y everybody when I can. If only to bring a little cheer into their lives. I know that my partner in crime will gladly join me because we are pathetic like that, I mean we are not lucky to know any girls in specific to give the flowers too. Another reason why I took Zac along with me, was because I tried to knock on the door of my friend to meet her roommate before, but I could not. The butterflies in my stomach were to much. So I fell onto my safety net, Zac. I'm weak I know, I just haven't been this nervous to meet anyone for a long time. Well the moral of the story is, if you see two random guys on BYU handing out flowers, we're not looking for your numbers or to flirt with you, we just want to bring cheer into your day!


James and Monica said...

You have a blog?? I had no idea. And why do you say you're from Argentina. I was thinking, who in the world is this dude. Then I looked at your dad's blog....

12345 said...

What a nice gesture :)