Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Last night I watched a movie entitled "The Mighty". It's about two boys that have a few problems physically y mentally, but when they are together they make up one person. The love they show each other, really touched me. Max loved Freak more than anyone else, I mean the kid was abnormally big for his age in the movie, but Freak was freakishly small y the other characters in the movie made many comments about the how much love Max had in his heart for others. He was what Freak called a "Pass a Fist", because he would try to stay out of trouble.

I bring this up because I've been thinking about me. I like to think of myself as a friend to all no matter of how they looked or what limitations that they had. I also bring this up because it reminded me a lot of President Monson. It has been said by a highly ranked official in another religion; "Once you meet Tom, he's your friend". I think that is a nice compliment coming from another leader of another faith. So why can't we be more like the Prophet? Why should we let anger or pride enter into our lives? Why can we not be happy all of the time?

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