Sunday, July 20, 2008


Does fear rule this world? Does is have an effect on our decisions that we make? How many times have we not done something due to the fact that we were afraid to do it, because we did not know the outcome. Fear is something that stalls us in our progression in bettering our lives. I'm not saying that we shouldn't allow our children to play with strangers or anything to that regard, but those gut feelings that we have, as in; I should call X person to check up on them, I should say hi to him, etc.
I recently read a book, that explains that people are afraid of things that they do not understand. I completely agree with that. Before I do something that I have not done before, I have a little fear inside of me, but it's conquering that fear that will help us achieve our true potential.
To those that let fear run their lives, I say get out of your comfort zone, because you are missing out on so many wonderful things. Don't sell yourselves short on new experiences that will only help you be a better person. If you make a mistake, take in the lesson learned y move on, do not dwell on it or worry about making mistakes. You are not human y you will mess up.
Just be responsible for your actions but do not fear life. There is so much potential in each y every one of us. Are we living up to that potential? I say not all of us.

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