Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Timp Adventure

It was a late night last night, well I never really went to bed. So the adventure started as Zac y I were sitting on the hood of our ride waiting for another friend that we hadn't really talked to in a years. Well Darcy arrived y we embarked on our adventure.
Well it all started off with Zac y I needing something to tide us over for the evening, since we hadn't eaten all day y were about to Subir Mt. Timp. After our little side trip we got lost looking for the Cavemen high school. We maneuvered the car through the neighborhoods of AF, only to be encountered by a sign that read; "Road Closed". We were faced with two decisions, knowing that our destination lay on the other side of the sign, we decided to ignore the sign y take the road anyways. Nothing exciting happened y we arrived at the school to meet up with the rest of the group.
Now as we continue this story, let me put into context who went with us, you had Miles(me), Zac, Darcy, Erin y the young ones. The young ones were guys that Erin knew y invited to come. They all were 18y very immature. After spending 5 min with them, I realized how young they really were, we're talking about their mentality. We piled into the truck y took off towards the trail head.
The hike up to the summit of Timp, was peaceful. The moon lit our path as Zac, Darcy, Erin y I, silently as possible made our way up the trail. We left the young ones a ways back, as we were quite annoyed by the loudness of them all.
The silence of the mountain brought peace to the soul y a better understanding of why Satan is trying so hard to destroy the silence. You really could feel the presence of our Lord as we were awed by the amazing view that we had.
Right before we subired the cliffs of insanity we were awed by the view of Happy Valley. We could see from Provo to AF y then some. The lights filled me with wonder y put into my head, what am I doing to better help the people I know.
The only thing that brought those thoughts to a halt, was the cold wind that was bellowing from all directions. We sought out shelter in the little hot dog stand on top of Timp, but were not fortunate to warm up, so we decided to all cuddle one with another. To shorten the story, I ended up with a guy laying on my legs, as my legs were on top of Erin y Darcy was wrapped in my arms. It wasn't quite comfortable, but it gave us the little body heat that we needed to get through until the sunrise.
On the way down the Mt. Zac, Darcy y I took another way. We cut let on the first bank of Snow that we saw y had to make our own way down to find a new trail to go back on. We pretty much did everything just short of scaling down the face of a cliff, but do not worry it did cross our minds. By the time we made it down the Mt. Erin had taken the other people to their car, so we had to wait for her to make it back to the base of Timp y take us back to our car.
The ride home, was entertaining y hilarious. I wish I could remember everything that was said y done. Just remember that when I am tired, I am not accountable for my actions. I had been awake for 30 hours straight y I actually sang along to My Two front Teeth while dancing with my hands y driving all at the same time.
The trip was enjoyable y I want to do it again!

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