Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Looking for a cool person

So for the Scavenger hunt we have coming up I'm torn in between asking two girls. Both of the ladies are long shots y I know that they more than likely will not be able to go, but who knows.
The first girl is my friends sister in-law y another friends really good friend. She's from VA y I really do not know her. I put the ball in her court asking something dumb if we could talk one with another only to ask her about the scavenger hunt, but yeah we really do not know each other.
The second girl, I knew back in High School y as fate would have it, we have recently been put back in touch one with another. We've been hanging out a lot over the past few days. The only thing is that she starts school on the 25th of August at USU y I think that she is wanting to go back to Logan on the 23rd.
I dunno if I should keep waiting for VA to respond or if I should buck up y just ask USU to go to help team black win.
If both fall through, I'll be looking for a girl that is super competitive, funny, not totally freaked out by hanging out with random people y doing random things all day. So if any of ya'll know anyone, let me know!!!

1 comment:

Pancake: said...

It really doesn't matter who you ask, Team O. is going to crush you. Did Momo pass on?