Saturday, October 6, 2007


Well today watching General Conference I was deeply touched during the talk of Elder Wirthlin, when Elder Nelson came up and stood behind him to help him with his shaking. It made me reflect on the people in my life that have always been there for me and have helped me out over the years to become the man that I am today.
The first person that I would like to give credit to is my mom. She has had to raise me and my little brother alone since I was 5 years old. She has always put the Lord first no matter what and has really taught me the importance of the gospel in my life. It has never been easy for her, but she has managed.
Second is my little brother. He taught many lessons growing up. He is one of the main reasons why you will never hear me swear now a days. I used to have a sailors mouth until I heard him swear. I pinned him against the wall and told him that he was never aloud to say those words. He proceeded to state, but you use them. He is my best friend and without him I fell lonely at times. We have always been there for each other since the divorce of our parents. My mission was the longest time that we have ever spent apart from each other.

My teammates are others that have been there for me and still are there when I need someone to talk to. No one will be able to understand how we have come to rely on each other over the time we spent together. They have become my brothers and I count them as family. I would do anything for any of them if they ever needed me too.

Another big part was my cross country coach Phil Olsen. Anyone that has run for coche, will tell you that he really is a great man of honor and of word. He does what he needs to do to teach his athletes important values of honesty, treating others and how to have fun. One thing that he always stressed was the importance of school work. He would have us put that first no matter what.

There have been many others that have played a role in my life and I don't have enough time to single ya'll out. But thank you and I'll always be here if you ever need someone to talk to or just need a helping hand with something.


Sean and Janet Eyring said...

Stop it, you are making me cry :*(

Sara said...

Miles you are amazing!

Sean and Janet Eyring said...

I thought for sure you would be blogging today since you weren't at work :0(